A Canny Success

Dorset Blind Association received around 300 aluminium drink cans on Saturday 29 November thanks to donors NatWest Bank staff and Canford Heath residents.  Some of the cans included those which were part of a litter pick on Canford Heath that morning.

Thanks as ever to Hayley and Simon at the Coffee House Café at Adastral Square for hosting the drop-off point and for everyone who brought along donations.

SONY DSCNeil Baugh, Relationship Manager, NatWest Business Banking East Dorset (left) with cans collected by staff.  The Bank donated 15 can crushers and a Canford Heath resident is holding his.  Monique Munroe our co-ordinator is on the right.






DSCF0720Melanie (a volunteer with Dorset Blind Association), Monique Munroe, Jaya da Costa, Fundraising Manager and Neil Baugh