The Award Winners and Ideas2Action Recycling Ambassadors show their certificates
Our inaugural Recycling Awards Event was held on Friday 16 September 2016 in the Cattistock Room at Poole Civic Centre. Held to recognise people who go that extra mile when it comes to recycling, the following were short-listed for an Award:
Simon Shave, Ann Stribley, Sue Burt, Dorset Reclaim, New to You, Win on Waste – Creekmoor, Win on Waste – Canford Heath, Lush, Outside-In, Arthur Lyons and Molly Randall.
And the winners were……
Adult recycler (over 18) – High Commended: Simon Shave, Runner-up: Ann Stribley, Winner: Sue Burt
Team of Recyclers from a Company – Winner: Dorset Reclaim
Team of Recycling Volunteers – Highly Commended: New to You, Runner-up: Win on Waste – Creekmoor and Winner: Win on Waste – Canford Heath
Company whose Employees Recycle – Runner-Up: Lush and Winner: Outside-In
The No 1 Recycler – Runner-up: Arthur Lyons and Winner: Molly Randall
Certificates were presented and Molly Randall received a bouquet of flowers as the No 1 Recycler.
Certificates were also presented to two of our Recycling Ambassadors (Barbara was unable to attend), Laura and Sarah who all do a fantastic job of encouraging people to recycle.
Thanks were given to LV which paid for the buffet, Tesco Fleetsbridge for the voucher which paid for the drinks, the Borough of Poole for use of the room, Poole CAB for printing the certificates and Jackie for using her calligraphy skills writing the names on the certificates.